Selected Plan: Young Adult
Welcome to Warren & Migliaccio, L.L.P. Estate Planning
Please use your legal name as it appears on your license or government-issue ID
Please enter your registration details below.





Young Adult Info
Please provide the name of your college student. You are filling this out for them; their name will be selected as the primary” in the document while you can provide your name as their agent.
Are you a parent filling this out for your college student?

Financial Power of Attorney
The Financial Power of attorney allows the person you name as your agent to make financial and property related decisions for you while you are alive. The power can become effective at the time you sign the document or later only in the event of your incapacity. This choice will be made at the time you sign the document with your attorney. It is recommended that you name one primary (typically spouse/partner if married) and at least one successor.












Medical Power of Attorney
The Medical Power of attorney allows the person you name as your agent to make medically related decisions for you while you are alive. These powers become effective in the event of your incapacity. It is recommended that you name one primary (typically spouse/partner if married) and at least one successor.
Do you wish to use same agents as your Financial Power of Attorney?












Submission Screen
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